Recent Events


Le Salon du STArt 

 Type: Long-term Event

Time: Every two weeks

 Event Leader: Jasmine, Yizhou




Movie Mystery Box

 Type: Long-term Event

 Time: Anytime

Event Leader: Jasmine

STArt Stuio联合SIFF邀请你一起围炉取暖看电影!


1️⃣ 加入我们的电影盲盒微信群 - 我们是一群爱电影、爱生活的朋友们,快来加入观影秘密基地吧!

2️⃣ 每个月会有5张免费的电影票,会有5名幸运儿可以领取免费电影票,也欢迎其他小伙伴一起购票加入。 

3️⃣ 相约SIFF看最新上映的影片。 

4️⃣ 观影后,不要走开,一起讨论一起喝奶茶。写短评或影评入选的小伙伴将可以领取到下个月的免费观影券。


Artists Keep All 

 Type: Long-term Event

 Time: Anytime

Event Leader: Yulei

"Artists Keep All" provides initial funding to artists, allowing them to keep all profits beyond costs. It connects artists with international suppliers and local stores, facilitating the production and distribution process for wider exposure.


 More events coming soon... Stay tuned!